Prayer Guide
Let’s first look at possible short prayers each personality may say:
Sensing- Perceiving (SP)
ESTP:  God, help me to take RESPONSIBILITY for my own actions, even though they’re usually not my fault!

ISTP:  God, help me to consider people’s feelings, even if most of them are hypersensitive!

ISFP:  Lord, help me to stand up for my RIGHTS! (if you don’t mind my asking)

(SP) Sensing—Perceiving:
Franciscan Temperament
The Franciscan Prayer is characterized by its application. It is very popular among ordinary people, those men and women of action who want and need to do things for others. Acts of loving service can be a most effective form of prayer. Franciscan Prayer is very optimistic and sees the beauty, goodness, and love of God everywhere. When you consider that a Sensing-Perceiving (SP) person like Francis of Assisi makes contact with God primarily through their sense impressions… what we see, smell, touch, hear and taste… it would follow that since the Incarnation is the visible, audible, tangible presence of God upon earth, the SP personality could relate quite well to Jesus’ life and teachings through the parables.

The SP personality type does not respond well to the symbolic but is primarily interested in the real and literal. Franciscan Prayer makes full use of the five senses and will be flexible and free-flowing. It is what is sometimes referred to as “spirit-filled prayer”, totally open to the presence and voice of the Holy Spirit present in each one of us. Since SP persons can see God in the whole of creation, they are able to make a fruitful meditation on the beauty of a flower, a meadow, a lake, a waterfall, a mountain, the ocean, or any event in nature such as sunrises or sunsets, the changes of the seasons, Spring, Fall , a fresh snow in Winter.

Much of their prayer is called virtual prayer, or the prayer of good works. A prayerful SP person will find the thought of God predominates every waking moment. The famous Jesus Prayer and other such prayers are readily used by SP persons and enable them to live constantly in the presence of God and see His hand in everything.

The SP person dislikes formal prayer and prefers a free flowing informal communion with God. The SP person may or may not find it useful to follow the steps of Lectio Divina. However, when other temperaments use this prayer style, it is recommended that the steps of Lectio Divina be used.1
Prayer style 1:
  1. This style of prayer is very free flowing and does not have a formal guideline.
  2. With this in mind you can still follow Lectio Divina although do not tie yourself down to specific order of rules. Look to the parables of the Gospel as the best Scripture passages to use. Choose your favorite or start with one and go through them all over a period of time.
Prayer style 2:
  1. The true experience of Franciscan prayer takes place outside in a peaceful place where the only distractions are of nature. (I say distractions loosely. Nature will become your connection point with God.)
  2. Find a comfortable position and center as before
  3. Sit and gaze upon what you see. Don’t just look at it, allow yourself to become apart of your surroundings listen to the sounds, smell what is in the air, relax and become one with God’s creation. Feel the beauty and freshness of nature.
  4. While you experience your surroundings consider what God has blessed you with. What is He trying to communicate to you through His creation? You may want to pick a flower or leaf that attracts your attention and wonder at the way God has created it.
  5. Allow this thought process to lead you into quietness and stillness (contemplation) Rest in God and His creation. Feel his presence.
  6. When you feel the prayer time coming to an end Glorify and praise God in prayer for this gift of nature and for all the good that you experience that very moment. Ask for God to help you carry that experience into your daily life. To help you see God in everyone and everything.
Prayer style 3:
  1. Choose one of the following two suggestions.
  2. Find a comfortable position and center as before
Prayer suggestion 1
  1. Think of a person in the world that you love the most.
  2. Ask yourself the following question: How can I see the presence of God in that person?
  3. Spend some time praising and thanking God for giving so much goodness, beauty, grace, etc. to that person.
  4. Spend some time thanking God for the gift of love whereby you are able to love that person and that person is able to love you.
Prayer Suggestion 2
  1. Praise and thank God for all the good qualities that you find in yourself.
  2. How can you more fully develop these good qualities?1
Prayer Style 4:
  1. Think of and plan an act of charity for someone in need. Endeavor to carry it out, either alone or with the help of others2
1Taken and adapted from Highland Shepherd Episcopal Anglican Church. The Reverend Canon Jim Irvine, Canon of ChristChurch Cathedral.
2Michael, C.P., & Norrisey, M.C. (1984). Prayer and Temperament: Different Prayer Forms for Different Personality Types. Charlottesville, VA: The Open Door. (p.77)

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