God Direction
Simon Helps Jesus
“My body can no longer bear the weight of the cross. I collapse in exhaustion, so the Roman soldiers pull a man from the crowd. Simon lifts the burden of the cross from me and so we go on.”1

“Are you willing to lift this burden from me?"

"Every time you lift a burden from someone’s back you help me carry the weight of the cross as Simon did."

"Will you wash that dish or pick up that object from the floor? Will you open the door or allow someone to go in front of you at the store or in traffic? Will you visit the lonely at home, in the hospital, nursing homes or in prison? Will you assist the elderly or teach the young? Will you help the helpless, cloth the naked, and feed the hungry?”

“Whatever you do to the least of my brothers you do to me."2
1Matthew 27:32
2Matthew 25:45

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