God Direction
Jesus Meets His Mother
“My mother watches as I am whipped, kicked and beaten like an animal driven to slaughter. She winces from my agony. Her soul cries out but she does not protest or complain."

"My Mother shares in my agony and I share in hers. We do not hide our pain or our sorrow from each other’s eyes. She accepts my father’s will as I have.”

“Watching the pain of others is harder to bear than experiencing our own pain. Can you do my Father’s will by standing alongside the ones we love and watch them suffer?"

"Will you share their burdens, their heartaches, their sicknesses, and their grief? Will you comfort them in their pain?"

"Will you also allow your loved ones to share in your suffering? This is some of the crosses you are to carry.”
“I work all things for the good of those who love me.”1
1Romans 8:28

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