What does it mean to be a Christian? Let us journey to the time that everything changed, when the old was fulfilled by the new, when the passion changed everything. This is our journey; this is the journey of a lifetime.
Our Journey of the Passion is loosely based on Everyman’s Way of the Cross by Clarence Enzler. Like Everyman’s Way, Christ is speaking to us. The footnotes reference Bible passages used to create the dialogue. It can be read in one setting or you may want to break it up and read a section or two each day or week. Including the Introduction and conclusion there are 18 messages.
This journey is created as a personal time of meditation. Imagine Jesus speaking directly to you. Allow time to close your eyes and meditate on each question He asks. Do not rush through this journey, but savor each moment, chew on each message. Allow the words to penetrate deep within your soul.
Our Journey of the Passion is loosely based on Everyman’s Way of the Cross by Clarence Enzler. Like Everyman’s Way, Christ is speaking to us. The footnotes reference Bible passages used to create the dialogue. It can be read in one setting or you may want to break it up and read a section or two each day or week. Including the Introduction and conclusion there are 18 messages.
This journey is created as a personal time of meditation. Imagine Jesus speaking directly to you. Allow time to close your eyes and meditate on each question He asks. Do not rush through this journey, but savor each moment, chew on each message. Allow the words to penetrate deep within your soul.
Before time, there was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Through Him all things were made, but without Him nothing was made that has come into being. In Him was life and that life was light, the light of men. The light shines through the darkness but the darkness does not know Him.1
The Word took on flesh and made His dwelling among us. Thus He was in the world that He created, but the world could not see Him. He went to His own, but His own did not want Him. Yet to those who received Him, all who believed in Him, He gave the right to become children of God—children born not of natural decent, nor of human decision, nor of man’s will, but born of God.2
Thus Jesus the Christ left His splendor to live as His creation, born of a virgin in a lowly manger, a babe at the mercy of His parents. When it was time, He endured the torments of the Devil and the ridicule of His people. Yet He showed us compassion as He loved the despised and the weak. Then He did the unthinkable, He took upon Himself our sickness and carried our sorrows, yet we thought it was His just punishment, the wrath of God was upon Him. But no, He was our substitute, for He was pierced for our transgression, He was crushed for our sins; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed.3
This was His passion. This is His purpose; so too it is our journey. For in our baptism we were baptized into His Death. We were also baptized into His life, for as He was raised from the dead, we too may live a new life.4 Accordingly we should listen; we should quiet our mind and hear the faint sound, the stillness of the wind. Listen to the gentle whisper as He calls to us; beyond our consciousness hear His soft voice say:
“I Love you my disciple, join me on my journey. Though it was two thousand years ago, you have walked it with me. This journey was not my journey but yours. I did not come for my sake, but for your sake. These steps you are about to take are a glimpse back to that journey. You will not walk them alone for I am with you. I have already walked this path for you and it was worth it. My life ended so that yours may begin. I now live on in you.”
The Word took on flesh and made His dwelling among us. Thus He was in the world that He created, but the world could not see Him. He went to His own, but His own did not want Him. Yet to those who received Him, all who believed in Him, He gave the right to become children of God—children born not of natural decent, nor of human decision, nor of man’s will, but born of God.2
Thus Jesus the Christ left His splendor to live as His creation, born of a virgin in a lowly manger, a babe at the mercy of His parents. When it was time, He endured the torments of the Devil and the ridicule of His people. Yet He showed us compassion as He loved the despised and the weak. Then He did the unthinkable, He took upon Himself our sickness and carried our sorrows, yet we thought it was His just punishment, the wrath of God was upon Him. But no, He was our substitute, for He was pierced for our transgression, He was crushed for our sins; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed.3
This was His passion. This is His purpose; so too it is our journey. For in our baptism we were baptized into His Death. We were also baptized into His life, for as He was raised from the dead, we too may live a new life.4 Accordingly we should listen; we should quiet our mind and hear the faint sound, the stillness of the wind. Listen to the gentle whisper as He calls to us; beyond our consciousness hear His soft voice say:
“I Love you my disciple, join me on my journey. Though it was two thousand years ago, you have walked it with me. This journey was not my journey but yours. I did not come for my sake, but for your sake. These steps you are about to take are a glimpse back to that journey. You will not walk them alone for I am with you. I have already walked this path for you and it was worth it. My life ended so that yours may begin. I now live on in you.”
"As I lived for you, will you now live for me?"